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Race 08-27-2013 10:44 AM

What are CTN's eligible for?
I'm a future CTN shipping next January, I've been doing a lot of research and still cant find a answer. My question is are CT's eligible for submarine duty, if so what would you be doing, also are CT's eligible for being assigned to a aircrew? Any info would be great, thanks!

ejrwelch 08-27-2013 11:18 AM

I am going in "I" brancher so I know more about that but from what I've seen CTs in general can get DIRSUP orders which is technically shore duty but you can go out and assists on/with ships, subs, and squadrons. As a CTI I had to sign a paper saying that I'd volunteer for Aircrew and sub duty but since I am a female only the aircrew applies to me. I am not 100% sure so take it with a grain of salt but I've seen the same info for CTRs and CTTs so I'd assume its the same for CTN as well. Im pretty sure she said she was a CTN in one of her earlier videos so maybe she can give you details!

Race 08-27-2013 01:40 PM

Thanks for the info!

bronxCTM 08-27-2013 05:05 PM

Yeah there are CTs on submarines but as ejrwelch said, they are just "riders." (My brother doesn't look cooking for the riders on his submarine :P ) I don't know if there are any specifically any CTNs on submarines or even aircrew but definitely the other CT ratings for sure.

By the way, when did you dep in as a CTN? I was wanting that job when I went to MEPS back in April.

Haasino 08-27-2013 07:42 PM

I had a CTI, a CTT, and a CTR going through Aircrew Candidate School when I was there... not sure about CTN.

jzhaun 08-27-2013 09:13 PM

Be forewarned though - I don't know about CTN, but getting aircrew as CTI is pretty hard right now and is likely to become harder in the future.

As far as I know it is either exceedingly difficult or impossible to get aircrew orders straight out of DLI, most people go to the watch floor and a few (generally the best) get direct support. So you go do watch floor for a few years and then if your evals are really good and you pursue aircrew you might get the orders. And then you have to pass Aircrew School and SERE School. But Navy's phasing out the EP-3s that CTIs usually fly on in favor of drones within the next 6 years or so who knows what'll happen then.

And all that's assuming you get a language that does aircrew to begin with, not all of them do.

Subs is easier to get as far as I understand, since not everyone wants it.

AyeeYoAP 08-27-2013 10:19 PM

Hi! I'm a CTN. Our first duty stations are shore duty And there are only 7 places we can go. San Diego is not one of them lol E5s and above can go to SD only. We don't go on subs and we RARELY go on ships. As far as I know, aircrew is not an option.

Race 08-29-2013 12:52 PM

Thanks for the info everyone, ive been reading some of the NEC codes and the ones for aircrew are open to all but require a transfer to an airmen rate unless your CTT,CTR,CTI,HM, and a few others. So looks like I wont be getting my NAC wings :raining: However I hope it would be possible to get qualified for subs, and I depped in July 10th shipping in January.

Haasino 08-29-2013 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by jzhaun (Post 35389)
But Navy's phasing out the EP-3s that CTIs usually fly on in favor of drones within the next 6 years or so who knows what'll happen then.

It's all conjecture at this point, but the P-8A has way too much empty space inside of it, so they're very likely going to put ELINT/SIGINT and BAMS stations into it.

Dapper 09-18-2013 08:15 AM

Are there other options for a CTN, like training to run missions with SEALs or something like that?
Just curious...

-Spooky- 11-11-2013 10:30 AM

Possible Special Duties?
Does anyone know anything about becoming an "Operator" or about getting onto a SEAL team as a CTN? This is something im seriously interested in pursuing and any extra info would help a lot. Thanks

ryry2595 11-22-2013 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by AyeeYoAP (Post 35391)
Hi! I'm a CTN. Our first duty stations are shore duty And there are only 7 places we can go. San Diego is not one of them lol E5s and above can go to SD only. We don't go on subs and we RARELY go on ships. As far as I know, aircrew is not an option.

What are the shore stations?

AyeeYoAP 11-22-2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by ryry2595 (Post 38325)
What are the shore stations?

NIOC Texas - San Antonio
NIOC Pensacola - Pensacola
NCDOC - Virginia Beach
NIOC Norfolk - Norfolk
NIOC Hawaii
Ft. Meade, MD
NIOC Georgia - Augusta

Those are the places you can get stationed after JCAC. We don't go to ships.

ryry2595 11-27-2013 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by AyeeYoAP (Post 35391)
Hi! I'm a CTN. Our first duty stations are shore duty And there are only 7 places we can go. San Diego is not one of them lol E5s and above can go to SD only. We don't go on subs and we RARELY go on ships. As far as I know, aircrew is not an option.

Whoa, did they say when you could go OUTCONUS?

AyeeYoAP 11-28-2013 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by ryry2595 (Post 38461)
Whoa, did they say when you could go OUTCONUS?

I don't even know what that is lol

Temen 11-28-2013 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by AyeeYoAP (Post 38474)
I don't even know what that is lol

Anything outside of the 48 continental states.

AyeeYoAP 12-03-2013 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Temen (Post 38475)
Anything outside of the 48 continental states.

The NIOC in Hawaii is one of the places you can get stationed straight outta JCAC

Rickblaine22 01-08-2014 12:53 AM

CTNs don't go to aircrews, and they very rarely go on ships, however, you can expect more of us to be on ships in the future (but not subs...sorry). You have a 100% chance of going to one of the 7 places mentioned above. You'll be at that place for 3 years. Different commands do different things. VA Beach (or Suffolk now) does Computer Network Defense while NIOC Norfolk has a completely different mission. When you are a little more than halfway done with school in Corry, your advisor will bring you a dream sheet where you can request where you want to go. Be advised: this dream sheet means absolutely nothing. It was my experience (I'm a CTN2) that NO ONE in any class above or below me got orders to where they requested. You can plan on one of those 7 places and you can be absolutely 100% certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will in fact go to one of those places. Anyone else who tries to tell you they heard so and so got some weird exotic orders is full of crap.

The one exception to this is ION school (which is still in MD, and I would not call it exotic). You can go there straight out of school, but if you already had orders, it will be next to impossible. To even be able to take the test, you have to have an above 90 average and no test failures. That eliminates about 85% of the JCAC population.

You can also go do stuff with SEALS, but you have to be stationed with a special warfare command to begin with (so they can recruit you), and out of the 7 places you WILL go out of JCAC, none of them are special warfare commands.

Rickblaine22 01-16-2014 01:59 PM

I wanted to give an update on this. We were asked for volunteers to go CTN deployer. It looks like they are really increasing this kind of duty assignment (although it is still only open to E5-E6).

ALJW2015 03-27-2015 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by AyeeYoAP (Post 38341)
NIOC Texas - San Antonio
NIOC Pensacola - Pensacola
NCDOC - Virginia Beach
NIOC Norfolk - Norfolk
NIOC Hawaii
Ft. Meade, MD
NIOC Georgia - Augusta

Those are the places you can get stationed after JCAC. We don't go to ships.

Do you know if it is easy to get to Ft. Meade? I know that the Navy will station me where they need me but any info would help.

LT Guppy 03-27-2015 12:59 PM

Please do not bump old threads. You also do not need to ask the same question multiple times.

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