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ctraggie 07-21-2012 09:13 PM

Just graduated!
As the title says, I just graduated boot camp. I haven't had much time to get on the computer until now, but it looks like I'll have more free time coming up.

I was in Division 219 (Hall of Fame Division, all male), Ship 12.

I'm at Corry Station in Pensacola Florida now, and I'm loving it.

The best thing to remember throughout your eight-nine weeks at RTC is that it's only two months! Just put your head down and push through it. Do what you're told, and focus on the end goal. Graduation; and joining one of the best teams on the planet.

Feel free to ask me any questions you have about bootcamp!

sweetmtn 07-21-2012 11:44 PM

Welcome back SAILOR! :happyfeet:

Xenon 07-22-2012 03:12 PM

What was your weight before and after?

Craig 07-23-2012 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by ctraggie (Post 18824)

I was in Division 219 (Hall of Fame Division, all male), Ship 12.

Glad to see you back. My son was on ship 12....

Tell me, what caught you by surprise at boot camp that we didn't talk about here at NavyDEP? I don't want any future sailor surprised by anything.... So do tell....

tomahawk777 07-23-2012 05:42 AM

Did you get along with your officers? Tell me about how crazy there were.

ctraggie 07-23-2012 08:12 PM

Sue- Thank you. It's great to be back.

Xenon- I weighed in at 149 the morning I left for Boot Camp, and my final PFA weigh-in was at 148. Don't let that fool you, though. I lost about 2 inches on my waist and bulked up in my arms and chest, and got rid of all the fat on my legs and got them pretty well toned. PT at RTC is what you make of it. If you work your butt off, you'll see results. If you sit in the back and don't try, you'll wonder why everyone else around you is making so much more progress than you.

Craig- That's a pretty hard question. I had all of the information I needed, but I still felt shellshocked when I got there. There are just some things that you can't realize until you're thrown in to certain situations, and Boot Camp is full of them.

tomahawk- You deal very little with Officers while at RTC. Your RDCs are the ones I assume you're referring to, and mine were a particularly crazy bunch. One of my RDCs in particular is known around the base as being one of the toughest. I managed to get on his good side by being motivated and hard-working, and it really payed off. I was one of the 8 people in my division promoted by the RDCs because of my work ethic, so I guess you could say I got along with them pretty well. If you're worried about your RDCs, just give them all you've got and everything will work out.

Vegaspinoy 07-24-2012 02:06 AM

Was inspections hard?
Do they ask a lot of questions or just 1 question per recruit then move on to the next?

ctraggie 07-24-2012 02:18 PM

vegaspinoy- Inspections were easy stuff. Just take notes when you hear your RDCs explain something, and ask questions if you don't understand. It's better to get yelled at for asking a question than it is to get IT'd for getting a hit on inspection.

As far as the questions go, the inspector will ask each recruit one question. That question can be from the chain of command, rank and recognition, general orders, and sailors creed/RTC maxim. The questions they ask are usually in order, so if you pay attention to the previous questions, you will probably already know what yours is going to be.

Xenon 07-24-2012 10:47 PM

I also see you're a CTR. I am shipping as that rate as well. I'll make sure I ask you tons of questions during your A school time!

Vegaspinoy 07-24-2012 11:59 PM

Cool thanks for the heads up I ship Thursday

sunshine1994 07-26-2012 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Vegaspinoy (Post 18995)
Cool thanks for the heads up I ship Thursday

tell me how it goes i get shipped 20121003. AECF too

buick0067 07-26-2012 01:52 PM

How was the "IT's" at boot camp?

ctraggie 07-26-2012 04:46 PM

IT sessions suck. They're meant to suck. The best thing you can do is to avoid getting individually IT'd, because those are the worst. I was only IT'd by myself once (the first night I got to the new barracks, after that I learned pretty quick to shut up).

I've talked to some people whose RDC's only made them do pushups/jumping jacks for IT. I've talked to others who only had to IT for about 20 minutes. My RDC's made us IT for an average of 70 minutes per session (we had some guys time it) and work us out really hard. Just don't mess up, and hope to God that you get RDC's that "don't believe in IT"

camfurr 07-26-2012 04:48 PM

Sounds like a whole lot of fun! Ha.

bsilk89 07-26-2012 05:15 PM

Congratulations on your success! I myself am just starting the enlistment process I actually take the ASVAB on Monday, so I've been studying hard for it!

Lurch 07-27-2012 06:40 AM

How are you liking Correy Station? (First impressions etc.) I will also be there when I graduate boot camp.

ctraggie 07-27-2012 02:04 PM

Corry is awesome. It's one of the most laid back bases in the U.S.

The IT's have it harder than most of the CT's here, but they still have it pretty easy compared to the rest of the "A" Schools as far as liberty and leadership are concerned. It's a pretty tough school, so be prepared to give it 100% from the time you get here.

GoNavy 07-28-2012 02:22 PM

Congrats to you on graduating!!!
My question is this...what wast the process once you graduated to the time you physically got to Corry Station. I have a (future) CTR that will graduate BC on August 17th. I can't figure out what the process is once they graduate. If there is space to start A school, do they leave right away or do they go there even if there isn't an opening and just "hold"? Or do they go on leave until school starts?
We are planning on meeting him at O'Hare the morning/afternoon he leaves. We are actually staying at the Hilton adjacent to terminal 2 so we can be there. Can he take his phone back to the barracks after his visit with us after graduation? Thanks!!! Again, Congrats!

ctraggie 07-29-2012 07:40 AM

GoNavy- What generally happens is after graduation the sailor will get Friday afternoon to spend with their family. Most of the sailors going to Pensacola (be it NAS or Corry) will leave either that night at 0100, or the next night at 0100. They won't know for sure until about a week before PIR. If they leave later, they get to spend all day Saturday on liberty.

You CANNOT miss your flight, regardless of when your orders say your school starts. Everyone will go through an indoc phase once they get here, and most will get put on hold for at least a few days before they "class up." Classing up just means you start going to class, and get Phase III liberty.

Sailors aren't allowed to bring any contraband (cell phones, laptops, etc.) back to base from liberty, but families can meet them at the airport to hand over such items.

NavyPrincess 07-29-2012 09:21 AM

welcome back!! :)

Coppertop 07-29-2012 07:18 PM

Ctraggie, I just checkined in at Corry today as an IT. I was apart of division 228 in ship 12, we were just down the hall from you guys. You had PO Horton right? He scared me straight every time he wandered down the hall to our compartments. He must be good though, since ya'll were HOF and we didn't even get Battle E. Just thought its a small world.

I second everything said about Corry from the brief day I've been here. Really laid back, change of pace from RTC. Also, pray to the gods you get a room on the IT barracks. I'm on the CT side even though I'm an IT and theres a big difference in quality. S'all good though coming straight out of boot.

GoNavy- Most Pensacola people leave Saturday morning at 0100 like Ctraggie said, that being said they could be at the airport all day. My flight didn't leave till 1900 so I was able to meet with my family and actually leave the airport as well, basically another liberty day. Also we left out of Midway, not sure if thats always the case.

Cinders 07-29-2012 07:27 PM

My son flew out of Midway on Sunday, but some do fly out of OHare you won't know until PIR.

ctraggie 07-29-2012 08:25 PM

Coppertop, if you need any help with anything around base, pm me and I'll be more than glad to help.

bbrandon92 07-29-2012 11:03 PM

I was on ship 12, div 204.
Probably saw each other at chow without even knowing it!

Unfortunatly I didnt graduate...long story

Caustell 07-29-2012 11:41 PM

Just wondering what's the attire after boot camp. Nwu, whites, blues, smurfs etc. that is between boot and A school or while waiting and what not...?

linda21 07-30-2012 09:17 AM

my son is graduating this friday and he is in honor guard div 938, what does the honor guard do? thanks

FutureND 07-30-2012 09:21 AM

Linda - Honor guard will carry flags, rifles, etc. They offer a little bit of "showmanship" to the PIR.

sweetmtn 07-30-2012 11:49 AM

Linda, has your son told you what his job is in the 900 division? My son was on flags several years ago and he knew well ahead of time to tell me he was carrying the Nevada State flag. Go to this post to see what they do in that division...also a small note..they dont always just do performance, some are "body catchers"..yes some people actually faint during the PIR, and some in the 900 division just seat people.

ctraggie 07-31-2012 06:57 PM

Linda- they did a good job of describing what your son's situation is.
Caustell- After PIR on Friday you'll go out with your family in your dress whites. If you get more liberty on Saturday/Sunday, you'll have to wear your NSU's. (peanut butters)

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