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Old 12-28-2017, 09:45 PM   #1
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If you become pregnant while you are a student at NFAS/NPS, you will continue training until you give birth. You will then take your maternity leave and be rolled into the class that is at the closest point to where you left off in training. You will, most likely, repeat some coursework because you will roll in a week or 2 prior to where you rolled out of your previous class. Prototype will be a bit different because you will be receiving occupational radiation exposure while in training and there are limits on how much a pregnant woman is allowed to receive (there are limits for everyone, but limits for pregnant women are a bit more restrictive). The bigger concern is the physical environment of the propulsion plant itself. Climbing up and down ladders in the plant is far more dangerous and risky than the radiation exposure so they will just eliminate the risk altogether by restricting you from going into the propulsion plant. What will likely happen is that as soon as you declare that you are pregnant (meaning you went to Medical and got a positive pregnancy test) they will pull your TLD and you will be placed in a medical hold status and probably perform some kind of administrative duties until the completion of your maternity leave, at which point you will resume training with the next class closest to where you left off.
I went through training with a couple of women that were pregnant at various points in training. Also, when I was an instructor at NPS there were usually a handful of females that were pregnant while going through training at any given time. Usually the only thing that pregnancy does is delay your training timeline. There is always the possibility that you will be dropped from the program, but that usually involves circumstances where you will be unable to care for your child if you continue your training and eventually serve in the Fleet. If you are dropped from the program, any bonus money you received may (and by may I mean probably will) be recouped by Uncle Sam.
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