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Old 07-05-2013, 08:03 PM   #1
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Default What you'll love in bootcamp PT1

Just graduated and thought I'd let you know what you'll come to love in bootcamp. Feel free to ask questions
Chow- not for the food as much as the staff who treat you like real people and because sometimes its the only break you'll get in a day between rev and taps.
Uniforms- especially when you get NWUs because it means you get to stop wearing sweats and besides that different uniforms tell other recruits how far you are in timeline.
Going outside- this is especially true when you first get there. The first week and a half I was there we didn't go outside once and when we did it was like oh yeah there's such a thing as fresh air! You won't like it as much later on because usually it means drill practice.
Instructions- if you listen and follow them, bootcamp can be fairly easy because they lay out every little thing you need to do and EXACTLY how to do it, IRS just a matter of following along.
Shipmates- your shipmates are what will get you through bootcamp,because nobody can do it alone. And you'll be very surprised when you see the extent of how much everyone will have each others backs, even if they don't necessarily like the person, they're still your shipmate first and foremost.
Letters-most people have never sent/received letters but when you lose all other forms of communication your day will be made when you receive a piece of paper written on days ago in place of a text from a second ago.
POD(plan of the day)- every day before taps the POD for the next day will be posted telling you exactly what you will do and when; then you can take a little comfort in knowing what's going on, especially after knowing nothing in p days.

Now go to PT 2 for the rest!
"A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."-RADM Hopper
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