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Old 07-05-2013, 08:18 PM   #2
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Default What you'll love in bootcamp PT2


Holiday routine- from 0700-1300 every Sunday(once you get out of p days) you have freedom with some limitations of course to do what you want. Write letters,go to church, shine shoes, upkeep uniforms,just relax and talk,and shower which is the best part because if you time it right you can shower by yourself and for more than the usual 60 seconds. And before you ask, no you can't sleep at all.
Privacy- there is very little privacy you get while at bootcamp so you will appreciate every ounce you get even if its just an actual door on a bathroom stall instead of a curtain or nothing at all.
Choices- same as privacy you will relish every little choice you get, which usually comes down to food at chow or other small things like getting a different brand of soap at the NEX.
Competition- with there being very little entertainment at bootcamp, you will find you and your shipmates competing on everything from who can make their rack the fastest to who can run and slide under a rack the farthest.
"Time machine"- you will always see recruits further ahead and behind you in training and both you'll like because you'll see that it gets better and realize that it used to be worse.
People watching- more entertainment source, you'll see a lot of odd habits and ways to eat that will be amusing.
Classes- not necessarily for the info but for the relaxed environment because the instructors are not RDCs, as they like to say, they didn't trade in their soul for a red rope.
Lastly,music- no matter how much you think you love music now, you will love it 100x more after because at most you'll here just a few songs a week- if you're lucky
"A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."-RADM Hopper
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